Agustina Besada

Agustina Besada

To face the massive problem of plastic pollution, Agustina and her team focus on the relationship people have with this material. She promotes the development of new habits under the slogan of “unplastify-ing” the world. Agustina is also behind UPFC, a network certification model that verifies the reduction of disposable plastics used by companies.

Anna Oposa

Anna Oposa

Through Save Philippine Seas (SPS), Anna focuses on finding ways to make marine conservation relatable, engaging, and exciting through campaigns, experiential learning methods, and policy advocacy. She is enabling individuals and institutions to gain a fundamental understanding and appreciation of the oceans and ultimately engaging youth, businesses, and governments to collaborate on initiatives.

Ella Peinovich

Ella Peinovich

The future of wholesale is small-batch and responsibly made, according to Ella Peinovich and her team at Powered by People, a business-to-business wholesale platform which enables independent, diverse makers and brands – all over the world – by providing access to markets, financing, and digital tools. In other words, the goal is to make it easy for buyers to source differently.

Evariste Aohoui

Evariste Aohoui

Evariste has developed an innovative circular economy model that positions electronic and electrical equipment waste as a niche of opportunity and wealth that can support a green economy and create jobs. Along with his team, Evariste has contributed to the creation of the unique formal initiative in the WEEE sector in Ivory Coast.

Jenny Lindström-Beijar

Jenny Lindström-Beijar

Children with different types of diverse abilities are often diagnosed early in life, resulting in different types of support for different diagnoses. Jenny Lindström-Beijar’s approach to disability is redefining what it means to be “normal” in order to support the goal of a more inclusive understanding of the concept.

José Manuel Moller

José Manuel Moller

Through partnering with vendors, José Manuel is both lowering the cost of living in the most disconnected, isolated communities on the edges of Santiago and restoring neighborhood stores as local gathering spots, ensuring the vitality of the vendors in the face of large supermarket chains and rehabilitating lagging neighborhoods. 

Raghda El Ebrashi

Raghda El Ebrashi

Raghda El Ebrashi is creating employment for marginalized youth through a market-based sustainable model catering to business sector needs and market needs, thus, bridging the gap between the social sector and the business sector and professionalizing the citizen sector. The strategy is through collaboration with private sector and educational institutions.

Rajendra Joshi

Rajendra Joshi

Through Saath, Rajendra is enhancing the lives of the urban poor though an integrated approach. This is done by providing services, advocacy and facilitating opportunities given by various stakeholders in various cities in Gujarat and Rajasthan states in India. They do so by supporting nano and micro entrepreneurs.

Thorkil Sonne

Thorkil Sonne

Specialisterne Foundation has been a pioneer in employment of autistic/neurodivergent persons across the world. Now Thorkil and his team will transition the efforts to scale inclusion exponentially for neurodivergent persons in communities across the world through storytelling. The organization is represented in 13 countries.

Uygar Özesmi

Uygar Özesmi

Uygar is carrying out an alternative economic system through his organization Good4Trust which is a macro-scale circular economy with minimum negative or positive ecological and social impact. An ecosystem of producers and prosumers where there is no leakage of wealth out of the system, no waste, no lasting negative impacts on the ecology and no social exploitation.

Rafael Rincón Magro

Rafael Rincón Magro

When Rafael Rincón moved to Chile in 2005, he was determined to find new solutions to combat malnutrition and social inequality in his community and beyond. Over a decade later, he founded Fundación Gastronomía Social in 2019. The foundation works to educate and promote inclusion through food (through its platform Ñam) and to build collaborations that protect food security and the environment (through Comida para Todos).

Gabriela Agustini

Gabriela Agustini

Gabriela created Olabi, a social organization that started as a makerspace and innovation hub in Rio de Janeiro, to bring new audiences into technological education programs in order to tackle social problems relevant to those audiences. She sees that technology is the future, particularly digital technology, and to be a full citizen in the society and to have access to jobs and even rights, everyone needs to understand how to work with it.

Meet the participating Strategy Thought Partners